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Enabling business across channels with feasible solutions.

Using design to create experiential solutions is no longer just a customer problem-solving exercise. Organizations must understand how to continuously add value for customers, which means not only creating better experiences, but also more feasible and intelligent operations.

They must create holistic systems that work harmoniously to benefit both sides of the value equation, cost and value. Far too often, new experiences increase the cost to serve customers, only to achieve the same outcome.

Today’s modern organizations succeed when they put understanding their customers at the forefront of decision-making. They use customer intelligence to influence how their operations and organizations design and conduct everyday business.

But other influences can help illuminate the right solutions or paths organizations can take. By looking up and down the value chain, businesses can use more systems thinking to uncover additional value-based opportunities. This is how effective organizations will grow in the future.


Welcome to a new era of customer experience design. In today’s world, customer expectations are increasing and becoming more unpredictable.

Innovation, disruption, and competition have given customers more control and more choices regarding how they would like to interact with you.

From greater choice to new ways of being served, customers now have a much deeper understanding of the dialogue and nature of any relationship and how those relationships create business success.

They expect a seamless customer experience (CX) that further enables their empowerment using the latest thinking, whether through physical interactions or digital platforms. Brands deliver unique customer experiences that matter more than ever, making it critical to understand and architect for the best outcomes.

To succeed — to capture demand, create white space, or modernize how you do business – you must ensure that customers have a voice in the strategic intent and design of future business plans, models, products and services. 

Customer data and the ability to identify the story it is telling is now a critical factor in business-planning activities for the digital transformation of our client’s companies.

Traditional client-satisfaction surveys are no longer enough because they do not uncover a deep understanding of the points of friction or value. Only a more robust customer experience strategy model, embedded in the organization’s fiber, can truly capture and leverage the Voice of the Customer.

Modern customer experience design (CXD) practices use data collection and human-centered design to determine what customers’ needs are, how to execute them across channels within the digital experience, and how to improve interactions that better facilitate the customer journey continuously.

Our customer experience subject matter experts help organizations define problems, present and validate solutions to business goals, and implement design changes with a proven methodology that will drive their businesses forward and create customer loyalty.


Modern instrumentation for a customer-centric focus​ using customer experience research and discovery​.

It’s hard to imagine piloting a plane, boat or car without proper instrumentation. Yet, so many businesses try to compete in a customer-centric world and operate with only rudimentary information. ​

The rules have changed, today’s businesses can’t simply be focused on beating their competition, binary business strategies that only focus on their competitive landscape will get passed by. Customers no longer compare you to just your competitors, but instead to other great experiences.

To remain competitive, businesses need more information to adjust their course. Most businesses already monitor cash flow, inventory tracking, sales pipeline and some may even monitor customer service.

But in today’s hyper-competitive world, businesses need current information about customer experience, customer trends, how and what they compare your product or service to, and how and where they research. Without instrumentation on these parameters, your business is flying blind.​

Centric Consulting’s customer experience (CX) experts have deep experience in helping clients create the customized gauges they need to navigate ever-changing conditions. Our combination of strength in business strategy, analytics and customer research can be the outsourced expertise you need to stay ahead of changing tides.


Influence and choice drive acceptance and loyalty in today’s evolving digital environment.

Most organizations try to interrupt or inject themselves into the customer journey. Still, a better approach is using digital design and enablement solutions to influence their journey where and when it matters.

The goal should be maximizing customer interactions that leverage modern applications and internal utilities. This work supports sales and servicing efforts, which jointly comprise the end-to-end customer experience.

An analytical, customer-centered approach is the centerpiece of every solution businesses ideate, design, and deploy, but it doesn’t stop there. Organizations must adopt a living-learning environment and drive value through continuous improvement.

The need to create digital experiences has never been more critical or complex, because the modern organization’s digital agenda is not just a customer imperative. An excellent digital agenda must account for operations, IT strategy, workforce enablement and modern technology trends to limit risk and debt.